Moomin Language School Blog

Reading Skills in Early Foreign Language Learning

Language learning involves listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the new language. But when it comes to young...

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How Emotions Affect Learning

Have you ever wondered why some children struggle to make progress in learning a new language? It often boils down to a...

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Creating an Inspiring Learning Routine with Moomin Language School

When a new learning organization adopts Moomin Language School, one common question we get is how and when children...

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From preproduction to fluency: the 5 stages of language learning

Learning a second language helps you to communicate with more people, understand different cultures, and improve your...

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Tips for supporting the mother tongue

Research shows that children with strong mother tongue skills learn a foreign language faster and more easily than...

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English throughout the day at Daycare Ågeli

What do language, penmanship and sitting still have in common? They are all essential life skills that are practiced...

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Language awareness and phenomenon-based learning at Daycare Ågeli

Children at Daycare Ågeli have been learning English through various methods built around phenomenon-based learning....

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English to the beat of the drums – Experiences of playful lessons in Ågeli

In their previous blog post, Pia Staff ja Mia Julin-Lumio from Day care Ågeli explained how Moomin Language School is...

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