Moomin Language School Blog

From Tantrums to Triumphs: How Moomin Language School Fosters Resilience in Language Learning

We at Moomin Language School love to hear from the members of our global Moomin Language School family! Today we’re...

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Moomin Language School in Speech Therapy

Even though Moomin Language School wasn’t created as a speech therapy tool per se, we have anecdotal evidence that it...

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“They couldn’t wait to start learning” – User experiences from Poland

Our global Moomin Language School family keeps on growing and we are always happy to share the experiences of our...

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Master’s thesis: Supporting children’s intrinsic motivation

Moomin Language School supports children’s intrinsic motivation and the development of a positive learner self-image by...

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Teaching English in Guatemala

In March 2019, Moomin Language School began a collaboration with the Paula Weiskopf Foundation, a non-profit...

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English throughout the day at Daycare Ågeli

What do language, penmanship and sitting still have in common? They are all essential life skills that are practiced...

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Measured results from Malaysia: Student performance improved

Moomin Language School has a positive effect on children’s language skills, pilot study finds.

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