Moomin Language School Blog

Creating an Inspiring Learning Routine with Moomin Language School

Posted by Saga Arola on May 25, 2023 5:26:59 PM

When a new learning organization adopts Moomin Language School, one common question we get is how and when children should use the learning application. Here we offer some suggestions based on feedback from kindergartens, schools, and language clubs worldwide!


Ultimately, it's up to the learning organization how they use the Moomin Language School application – our goal is to support and inspire educators and children and to make things easy. But we are happy to offer suggestions and tips. Let’s look at two of the most common ways of incorporating Moomin Language School.


Scheduled Moomin Language School time


This option works well if you prefer a structured approach. You can dedicate a specific time each day for Moomin Language School, during which the children take turns using the application. This routine helps build consistency and makes it easier for everyone to use the service. It's also helpful for tracking and monitoring tablet use.


The amount of time you reserve depends on the number of children and tablets available. Ideally, aim for one tablet for every five children. You don't need as many tablets as children, but having more reduces waiting time. Typically, each child spends around 5 minutes per day playing games. So, if you have 20 children and 4 tablets, it will take approximately half an hour for all the children to complete their daily games.


During your Moomin Language School time, arrange alternative activities for the children who are waiting to play or have already finished their daily games. You can use our playful session activities, for which you can find instructions and materials in our online tools. Another idea is to schedule Moomin Language School time right after naptime, creating a smooth transition for children as they wake up and wait for others to join.


Children learning English with the Moomin Language School application


Free use throughout the day

If a specific daily time slot doesn't fit your schedule, you can allow children to use the application freely during idle moments. Log in to the application on all available tablets in the morning. Whenever there's a break, direct a few children to play their daily games. You can keep track of who has played using the player list in our supporting materials. Once a child's playtime is up, the application restricts their access, helping you manage screen time.


While it may take some getting used to, children quickly learn to navigate the application independently. Most can use it without assistance after a few weeks. This promotes independence and allows you to focus on other tasks.


Younger children might need more support initially. You can offer support yourself or encourage children to play in pairs or small groups, allowing them to assist each other and learn socially.


Many educators find the application useful during transitions between activities. For example, during outdoor preparation, some children can engage with Moomin Language School while others get ready. Morning arrival, afternoon waiting times, free play, art activities, and even nap time for non-nappers are opportune moments for using the application.


Child using the Moomin Language School application on a tablet


Make it a routine


Regardless of your chosen approach, establishing a routine is vital. After a couple of weeks, children will know what to expect and may even ask for the application. Training all staff members in using the application ensures the routine continues even when the assigned person is absent.


Every learning organization is unique, and we want your Moomin Language School routine to fit your needs. If you need help brainstorming ideas or want to explore Moomin Language School's potential, please contact us. We're here to support you and have a chat. Let us help you unlock the joy of language learning!


A quick summary


Scheduled time

  • Helpful for tracking and monitoring tablet use
  • Choose a time or try right after nap


Free use throughout the day

  • Useful during transitions between activities
  • Player list helps you to keep track of who has played 

Good to know

  • The application enables restricted screen time
  • Using the application becomes a routine in a couple of weeks
  • Example: with 20 children and 4 tablets, the application use takes about half an hour



Moomin Language School is a play-based early language learning program for learning organizations. Would you like to try it out for yourself? Apply for a free trial month here:

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Topics: Tips for teachers