Moomin Language School Blog

Why Is Social and Emotional Learning Vital for Language Learning?

Posted by Saga Arola on Oct 3, 2024 2:37:32 PM

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) supports second language learning, facilitates the growth of language abilities and improves the learning experience. It involves learning to recognize and manage emotions, setting goals, showing empathy, building relationships, and making responsible decisions. SEL can effectively address emotional factors such as motivation, attitude, and anxiety which significantly influence second language acquisition.


This article was written by Sanna Mattila and Zoi Vasileiou, the co-founders of Pikkuli Edu and developers of the Pikkuli SEL method for 0-8-year-old children’s social-emotional learning. Thank you Sanna and Zoi for sharing your expertise with the Moomin Language School family!



Why Are the Early Years Significant for SEL?


It’s important to start Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) early, because these skills take time to develop and are crucial for forming self-identity and a positive self-image. In other words, SEL is more than just helping children identify emotions – it empowers them to deeply understand themselves and others, which helps them show empathy and care towards others. SEL supports not only language learning but children’s holistic development, including academic, emotional and social skills.


3Emotion Regulation as a Foundation for Learning


Learning involves making mistakes which can lead to uncomfortable emotions like frustration and anxiety. SEL helps learners practice emotional regulation, empathy, and social problem-solving skills so they can overcome these challenges. 

When children learn to regulate their emotions, they are more motivated to learn and tend to retain information better. Moreover, emotional intelligence – the ability to recognize, understand, manage and use emotions constructively – strongly predicts personal happiness, career success, and fulfilling relationships.



Social Interaction Plays a Major Role in Language Development 


SEL develops social skills such as active listening, empathy, and effective communication – all of which are important in language learning. As children learn a new language, they practice communication skills, negotiate meaning, and build confidence in their linguistic abilities through social interaction.
SEL teaches peaceful conflict resolution, which helps if children encounter misunderstandings during language learning. As collaboration becomes more valued in the modern workplace, effective interaction skills learned through SEL are increasingly essential.

Moreover, in the age of AI, uniquely human skills such as enhanced communication, social skills, and emotional well-being become invaluable and irreplaceable. These skills not only shape the path to success for children but also serve as the critical abilities that differentiate them from machines and pave the way for them to become future leaders.




SEL Helps Children Become Responsible Global Citizens


Learning a new language helps children grow into global citizens who can study abroad or work in a global market. Meanwhile, SEL teaches children to think about others’ feelings and to be responsible, laying the foundation for ethical decision-making and social responsibility. As future citizens, employees, and leaders, children with a strong foundation in SEL are more likely to make decisions that benefit the greater good and act with integrity and compassion in their personal and professional lives.

How to Reinforce SEL With Young Learners


  • Create a Safe and Positive Learning Environment: The more comfortable and secure children feel, the more effectively they learn.
  • Incorporate SEL into Daily Routines: Use circle time to discuss emotions and social situations, integrating SEL into play and learning activities.
  • Role Model Emotional Intelligence: Demonstrate how to express feelings in healthy ways and show empathy toward children’s emotions.
  • Utilize Stories and Play: Engage children with stories and role-playing games and explore empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving in the stories used for language learning.
  • Pair Work, Teamwork: Encourage collaboration and promote SEL utilizing essential language skills



Practical Ideas for Reinforcing SEL


1. Feelings Check-In: Practice naming and identifying feelings through a feelings check-in activity. Use emotion cards or a feelings chart with pictures to help children identify and express their feelings. For example, ask, "Can you point to how you're feeling today?" Encourage children to share what made them feel that way. This can be as simple as, "I'm happy because I played with my dog this morning."
2. Positive Reinforcement: Take a moment after a group activity, before lunch, or during transitions to reinforce and give encouraging feedback on children’s positive behaviors and SEL skills. Instead of general praise like “Good job,” use specific feedback such as, “I noticed you helped Sarah when she was sad. That was very kind.”
3. SEL Skill of the Session: During a session, you can focus on a specific SEL skill, such as patience, sharing, or listening. Highlight examples of this skill throughout the session and provide extra praise when children demonstrate it. Review the skill during positive reinforcement, sharing examples of how you've seen children exhibit this skill.


Integrating social and emotional learning (SEL) into language learning helps educators cultivate a positive learning environment that is rooted in empathy, understanding, and emotional intelligence. SEL not only enhances learners’ language skills but also boosts learners’ emotional health, supporting their wellbeing and success in an ever-changing world!


5-2Sanna Mattila and Zoi Vasileiou are co-founders and SEL curriculum developers of Pikkuli Edu, which offers research-proven, engaging tools and professional training to support children’s social and emotional learning. Their SEL curriculum includes stories, Pikkuli TV series episodes, ready-made lesson plans for teachers, emotion cards, music, and plush toys to make learning engaging. Want to learn more about Pikkuli SEL curriculum? Check it out at



Topics: Tips for teachers, early language learning, young language learners, social and emotional learning